Is one the first integer?

This is the first one.

yes it is

Some people say zero is.

Is this important ?

Probably really meant “Natural number” not Integers.
Integers don’t have a “first” … they go from -infinity to +infinity

It arrived eventually.

seemed quite slow.

I think it went via

Incoming email are fast on other servers as far as I recall.

See the email time settings for outgoing email and drop them for this server if you want, on the Webarchitects members forum I actually increased them to allow for more time to fix typos!

the delay was outgoing

omg there is a dependency on

Seems easier to understand the the rules.v4 file

{\displaystyle \exists \mathbf {I} \,(\emptyset \in \mathbf {I} \,\land \,\forall x\in \mathbf {I} \,(\,(x\cup \{x\})\in \mathbf {I} )).}

There is an intentional delay on sending email out.

See the email time settings and drop them for this server if you want, on the Webarchitects members forum I actually increased them to allow for more time to fix typos!

discourse might support mathjax ?

omg…there is a dependency on

no mathjax support is not in by default

This seems to be working now.

two issues (DNS was not setup to point to, but the fw expected incoming email only from that IP)
second fw blocking http traffic from localhost

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omg there is a dependency on

Yes, this is acting as an anti-spam email gateway, this is a sensible thing to do isn’t it?